5 Valuable Ways to Make Customers for Life

Customer at flower retail location

Customers make or break your business. And while companies focus their budgets and time on attracting new customers, they often lose sight of their most important asset: Current customers. Companies across the U.S. are losing $62 billion per year due to poor customer service. Don’t let that happen to your business.

5 Valuable Ways to Make Customers for Life

1. Start a Loyalty Program

Did you know that about 68% of loyal customers will join a loyalty program if offered?

Customer loyalty programs, sometimes called customer retention programs, effectively increase purchase frequency because they spur customers to buy your product or service more often.

2. Offer a Discount for Returning Customers

Everybody likes to save money. So, tuck a coupon into the bag when you’re ringing up a sale, and tell the buyer about it, so they don’t miss it. Not only will these offer help improve your sales, but they’ll help improve loyalty among customers.

According to Statista, 92% of consumers in the U.S. used coupons when making purchases last year.

3. Celebrate Your Customers

Recognizing your core and loyal customers goes a long way. It might take a little more time than sending a quick email or phone call, but when you thank your customers from day one, you build momentum to help your business succeed.

Simple signs of gratitude include a handwritten note, a birthday card, giving back to causes close to your customers, noticing customers who go above and beyond, or offering a free service or product during a challenging time.

4. Invite Customers to a Special Event

While online events seem to get the most fanfare, there is no replacement for face-to-face customer interaction. That’s why customer events drive loyalty. Everyone likes to be part of an exclusive group!

Organize round tables with your company’s executives or yourself if your business is small. Give them a sneak peek of what’s coming next, or ask them for feedback on a new product or service. Another option is an after-hours client reception focusing more on guest entertainment than business goals.

5. Keep a Customer Communication Calendar

Whether you run a small or large business, initiative-taking communication should be a top priority. Manage customer engagements and create opportunities to build brand loyalty.

By The Marketing Team at Broadstroke, Inc.

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